
Certification Path
Automation Path
 Security Policy
 Security Organization
 Asset Classification
 Personnel Security
 Physical &
 Communications &
 Access Control
 Business Continuity
 Tech Support

Proper system development requires that the development team pay constant attention to the entire scope of requirements and the priority of these requirements. Without appropriate communication of these elements, a development team can become too focused on one aspect of required functionality and lose sight of the value of each element in the scope of the entire project. How do you ensure that crucial aspects of information security, like validation of input and output data, don't get overlooked in any systems development projects?
The ISO17 application includes a complete process for internal design projects.
Automated, online collaboration on design and validation procedures, processes and policies to ensure complete scope
Template documents, including change control procedures, to ensure all required controls are addressed in design processes
Easy access to descriptions of assets and control objectives for planning appropriate policies and procedures
Automated document control to ensure use of most current versions by designers and other employees
Powerful tools for a streamlined, collaborative design process including default project outlines addressing inclusion of data validation and cryptographic controls and validation and verification steps
Automatic control and protection of test data and design validation records
Controlled process for managing and recording software implementation on operational systems
For outsourced design projects, ISO17's Web-based format with external access controls is an efficient vehicle for communicating with suppliers of outsourced system development, ensuring that your company's requirements are clear and allowing you visibility into a project that is out of your hands.